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What has happened so far...

2024 June, 22th

All you can row 2024

On Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 5:23 a.m. the time had come:

Over 100 rowing enthusiasts from all over Germany put their first strokes into the water and only stopped when either their strength waned or the sun went down again at 9:35 p.m. – and we with our ELSA2 were right in the middle of it!

For us, this was a very welcome opportunity for our first longer training trip – THANKS to the organizer, the Karlsruhe Rheinklub Alemannia!

2024 June, 8th

Our ELSA 2 has been christened!

2024 May, 22th

Our ELSA 2 has arrived at its new home base!

Today the time had finally come. Our ELSA-2 found its way to us across the Channel.

Everything is becoming more and more tangible…

2024 Feb, 27th

Our ELSA 2 is ready!

Pictures from the open day at the manufacturer Rannoch Adventure on April 27th.

Many thanks to the entire team at Rannoch Adventure for the excellent support and advice regarding the boat! 

2024 Feb, 22th – 26th

Sea Survival Training

Over the course of several days, we focused intensely on the challenges and behavior during a maritime emergency.

Upon completion of the training, we are now prepared for specific scenarios and situations and can conduct professional emergency planning.

We are able to recognize and assess hazards related to bodies of water, and we have mastered practical skills in handling rescue and signaling equipment.

We extend our thanks to Dawn and her team for the fantastic week and their valuable tips, including the first aid and navigation course we attended here!

Let’s all hope that we NEVER have to put these skills into practice!

2024 Feb, 18th

"It's done: Passed the 'Radio Operator License'!"